New moon circle
Our sedentary lifestyle often cuts us off from our connection with nature and with others. Sometimes we no longer even notice the changing seasons and the different phases of the moon.
Yet we can draw great strength from living in harmony with nature. A monthly circle is a way of restoring this connection, while making intentions.
New moon energy
A new moon circle is a gathering of people who want to take advantage of the energy of the new moon to set intentions, manifest and contemplate.
Manifestation circle
Circles have different themes. In this one, we will focus on intentions that we wish to manifest during the moon to come.
By verbalising our intentions in a safe place, we can clarify our objectives, take responsibility, receive support from others and harness the collective energy of the group to express our desires.
Specificity of the new moon
. new moon is an invitation to to take a fresh start and to set t specific intentions.The new moon represents the beginning of a cycle, while the full moon is its culmination.
When our actions (in this case, setting intentions) are in harmony with the cycle of life around us, a beautiful coherence
emerges. In agricultural traditions, the new moon corresponds to
the moment when the soil is most fertile and moist. This is
the best time to sow seeds.
What will we do?
- . Kindness and gentleness prevail in these circles, as we set aside judgement;
- We will be guided in a meditation to reconnect with the light of our being and the energy of the moon ;
- We'll gently and kindly explore our shadows;
- We will set our intentions for the new moon what would we like to show over the coming month?
Le soir de la nouvelle lune, de 19h30 à 21h30.
In Leiden, Netherlands.